Posted on October 11, 2010 by admin

Description: distinct lateral line; high, divided dorsal fin; sloping forehead; large mouth, protruding lower jaw; grows much larger than other snooks; pelvic fin yellow.
Where found: from central Florida south, usually INSHORE in coastal and brackish waters, along mangrove shorelines, seawalls, and bridges; also on reefs and pilings NEARSHORE.
Size: most catches 5 to 8 pounds.
*Florida Record: 44 lbs., 3 ozs.
Remarks: spawns primarily in summer; cannot tolerate water temperatures below 60 degrees F; can tolerate wholly fresh or saltwater; schools along shore and in passes during spawning season; feeds on fish and large crustaceans.
How to Catch: 6-9wt fly rods, , floating, intermediate or combination fly line , 8-12′ leader with bite tippet from 20-40# test, flies with medium strength hooks in sizes #4 to 1/0
Flys to use: Deceiver, Snook-a-Roo, Gummy Minnow
This entry was posted in What's Biting Now and tagged casting clinics, Enver Hysni, fishing excursions, florida fly fishing, fly fish tackle, fly fishing, fly shop, fly tying, fly tying materials, how to catch when fly fishing, inshore fly fishing, offshore fly fishing, salt water fishing, salt water fly anglers, salt water fly fishing, south tampa fly shop, Tampa Bay On The Fly, Tampa Fly Fishers, tampa fly fishing, what's biting now. Bookmark the permalink.
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